Today we have the pleasure of sharing the impressive results of a home weatherization project we completed for Marilyn and Allen Albrecht of Wilder, VT back in 2021.
Getting Started
We begin in April of 2018, when the Albrecht’s reached out to Building Energy. Brent Mellen, who heads our White River Junction office, performed a free home walkthrough and presented them with a proposal. The reality was the Albrecht household was too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, forcing the couple to mitigate the uncomfortable temperature with multiple window A/C units or an excess of blankets.
It’s Not Too Late to Weatherize
Fast forward to February of 2021. The Albrecht’s were having work done on their roof, which presented the perfect opportunity to access the previously inaccessible attic area. A new proposal was approved which included a comprehensive insulation plan for the crawl space, attic, and knee walls. We even helped install a new bathroom fan to improve the room’s ventilation.


The Results
- A 61.8% reduction in air leakage. (more than double the average improvement!)
- A 20% reduction in oil usage.
- A 16% reduction in electricity usage.
The Albrecht’s even received an Efficiency VT rebate for the work. The measured results are the main purpose of this work, but the owners’ feedback says so much more.
“Since we had your company insulate our attic and knee walls last July 2021 we noticed a big difference in the warmth this heating season, especially upstairs. No more needing three blankets to stay warm!”
One Year Later…
Cut to Summer 2022 and the work we did for Marilyn and Allen continues to bring in major benefits for their home.
“It is also good to not have to turn on two A/Cs upstairs to cool it down in the
summer…Some nights we don’t even have to use it because the house retains the coolness.”
With the addition of strategically placed insulation, Marilyn and Allen’s home can reach the perfect temperature with only a single A/C unit and retain it for maximum comfort and energy efficiency.
Another Satisfied Customer
We loved working with Marilyn and Allen, and from the feedback we received it sounds like they enjoyed working with us as well!
We really are so pleased with the results. You and your team did a tremendous job last July and not
-Marilyn and Allen Albrecht
only by installing the insulation. You worked with the roofers and coordinated schedules so you were
ready to start the insulation when the old roof came off and could do it all properly so we got the best
result…Attention to deal was fantastic. You and your team are the best and you will be our first call for any further work in the future.
Future work is already under consideration as the couple is interested in adding a heat pump to further reduce their oil use!
Do You Need 3 Blankets in the Winter?
Do you need 2 air conditioners in the summer?
Contact us today or give us a call at 802-992-8848 and schedule your free home walkthrough.