While Building Energy does not consider helping those in our community as only a seasonal occurrence, we felt it fitting to share how grateful and happy we were to recently be invited to participate in a construction project and new product demonstration, during the biggest season of giving. The Addison County Chapter Habitat for Humanity, along with Jamey Gerlaugh of Efficiency Vermont, Matt Damon of TimberHP, and our awesome insulation crew went out to Vergennes to install the new TimberFill Wood Fiber Insulation into a beautiful new home for a future family in need who will benefit a great deal from our work. Donating our time and expertise to a great cause in more ways than one was truly a gift!

Many stopped in for an opportunity to learn more about the next generation of high-performance, affordable, carbon-storing, vapor-open wood fiber insulation by TimberHP.
TimberFill is a zero-carbon sustainable dense-pack and loose-fill insulation made from pure softwood chips leftover from sustainable Maine forest management and lumber production. Mixed with only borate to protect against fire, mold, and insects, TimberFill has been proven to regulate temperatures in even the toughest of climates. Visit their website for more information on TimberFill and TimberHP & other products they offer.